How Much Does Mail Order Bride Cost?

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To truly understand how much a mail order bride costs, it’s easier if you understand the services you’re paying for. Here are some of the services you’ll pay for while trying to marry your bride.

Some of them have flexible costs, and the final amount you spend will depend on several factors, including the service providers you sign up with.


Breakdown of the costs of a mail order bride

Mail-order services

Mail-order services like dating sites and marriage agencies will charge you a small sum for helping you find a bride. On average, you’re more likely to spend more with a marriage agency than you are with a dating site. This is because the dating website simply links you up with prospective brides, and you might meet someone before spending so much money.

On the other hand, marriage agencies help you pick a woman on the spot and arrange the wedding. You don’t need to spend a long time trying to court her; everything is arranged. However, you might end up spending more using a dating site, especially if you’re unable to find a woman you like.

mail order bride costs

As for the fees, marriage agencies don’t have a specific price range, and you’ll just have to look around for the best prices among them. With dating sites, on the other hand, some charge a monthly premium while others require you to buy tokens to use their features. So, the total amount varies widely among websites.

Travel expenses and documents

Travel expenses talk about things like visas, passports, as well as in-country travel (for the romance tour). If you use a dating website, you might want to go on a romance tour. This is where you get to meet your bride and her family for the first time. The amount you spend during in-country travel depends on where your bride lives, as well as the things you plan to do over there.

Technically speaking, securing a green card for her isn’t a part of mail order bride cost, but it’s something to keep in mind. You should also definitely consider the costs of a visa (to get her into your home country in the first place.)

Related: Popular foreing bride’s countries

Settling costs

Settling costs are optional, but your new home would be so much more enjoyable if you added them to your budget. Unless you already live in a family-friendly house, you would consider moving or at least making some upgrades after getting married.

You certainly want your new bride to be comfortable in her new home. Settling costs also depend on what both of you want.

The bottom line

Regardless of how you go about it, the average cost of a mail-order bride is something between $5000 and $30,000. It’s a wide range, but it gives you something to aim at.

If you’re looking to get married as quickly as possible, a marriage agency might be a better alternative – you get your bride in record time, and you know exactly how much it’ll cost you.

A dating website might take longer, but you’ll get more time to know your bride. Plus, you might even be able to find a bride for less than you would get with a marriage agency.

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